CUPE Local 416 represents over 8000 outside workers in 12 important units across the City of Toronto.

Our members are there for Torontonians 365 days a year and, in turn, we are there for our members.

As part of a year-long promotional campaign, we’re putting the spotlight on 416 units to highlight the hard work and dedication that go into providing our great city with quality public services each and every day, and to remind everyone that we truly are stronger together. This is a multimedia campaign that uses a variety of outlets including CP24 ads, digital billboards, radio ads and social media platforms to promote our members and the work they do.

TCEU Local 416 Twitter

On #FirstRespondersDay, more than ever, we thank our #Paramedics for the life saving work you do, and dedicate ourselves to bringing awareness to your struggles, and advocating for the unique needs of Toronto Paramedics.

#StatusCodeRed #YearOfTheWorker @416TPSUnit @Local416

Thank you to all Stewards who took time out of their weekends and personal lives to continue education with our @Local416 Steward Learning Series. Your commitment to your members and workplace conditions is appreciated.

#Toronto #Local416 #StrongerTogether #ThankYou

On April 28, we gather with 1000s of workers, friends & families of fallen workers at ceremonies across Canada to recognize the National Day of Mourning; to mourn for the dead, and refocus our commitment to preventing future workplace injuries and deaths.
